
Friday, August 9, 2019

Things Fall Apart Chap:3 Q & A Ikemefuna

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Homework for July 11, 2019

Name________________________date________________level 1
As he walks with the men of Umuofia, Ikemefuna thinks about his mother. After several hours of walking, some of Okonkwo’s clansmen attack the boy with machetes. Ikemefuna runs to Okonkwo for help. Okonkwo, who doesn’t wish to look weak in front of his fellow tribesmen, cuts the boy down despite the Oracle’s admonishment. When Okonkwo returns home, Nwoye realizes that his friend is dead. Okonkwo sinks into a depression, neither able to sleep nor eat. He visits his friend Obierika and begins to feel revived a bit.  

1.  Whom does Ikemefuna thinks about?
a)    A respected village elder
b)    His mother
2.  Why does Ikemefuna run to Okonkwo?
a)  Some of Okonkwo’s clansmen _______________ him with machetes
3.  Okonkwo doesn’t wish to look ______________in front of his fellow tribesmen.
4.  What does Nwoye realize after the men have returned?

All homework must be signed by a parent


Homework: Parents please sign your child’s homework
Name ____________________________________date _________level 2 & 3
Read the following passage
As he walks with the men of Umuofia, Ikemefuna thinks about seeing his mother. After several hours of walking, some of Okonkwo’s clansmen attack the boy with machetes. Ikemefuna runs to Okonkwo for help. But Okonkwo, who doesn’t wish to look weak in front of his fellow tribesmen, cuts the boy down despite the Oracle’s admonishment. When Okonkwo returns home, Nwoye deduces that his friend is dead. Okonkwo sinks into a depression, neither able to sleep nor eat. He visits his friend Obierika and begins to feel revived a bit. Okonkwo’s daughter Ezinma falls ill, but she recovers after Okonkwo gathers leaves for her medicine.

1.    Whom does Ikemefuna thinks about as he walks with the villagers?
  1. Why does Ikemefuna run to Okonkwo?
  1. What does Okonkwo do in spite of the warning from the oracle?
  1. What does Nwoye realize after the men have returned?
5.    What happens to Okonkwo tell Ikemefuna?
6.    How does Okonkwo’s help his daughter Ezinma when she falls ill?

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