
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Dream Keeper by Langston Hughes

Welcome to CBVI@GMHC

Homework for January 29

The book of the month is Brown Girl Dreaming

Name ________________________date ________

Read the poem by Langston Hughes

Image result for langston hughes poems
Level 1

What does Langston compare dreams to? 


Langston also refers to dreams as what? 


Langston also refers the “too rough fingers of the world” as what?
The _____________ of life


level 2

Explain what Langston compare dreams to? 


According to the excerpt Langston also refers to dreams as what? 

Explain whatLangston also refers as “too rough fingers of the world” 


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Sunday, January 26, 2020

What is a metaphor?

Welcome to CBVI@GMHC

Homework for January 28

The book of the month is Brown Girl Dreaming
Name___________________ date _______________

level 1

What do you think these metaphors mean?
  1. My brother was boiling mad
He was _____________________________________
  1. The assignment was a breeze
The assignment was ______________________________
  1. It is going to be clear skies from now on

Everything is going to be ___________________________

level 2
What do you think these metaphors mean?
  1. My brother was boiling mad
  1. The assignment was a breeze
The assignment __________________________________________________________
  1. It is going to be clear skies from now on
Everything _____________________________________________________________
  1. The skies of his future began to darken
  1. Her voice is music to his ears

level 3
What do you think these metaphors mean?
  1. My brother was boiling mad
  1. The assignment was a breeze
  1. It is going to be clear skies from now on
  1. The skies of his future began to darken
  1. Her voice is music to his ears
All homework must be signed by a parent ______________________

What is a simile?

Welcome to CBVI@GMHC

Homework for January 27

The book of the month is Brown Girl Dreaming
Name___________________ date _______________

read the poem

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren 
Field frozen with snow

level 1
Identify and underline the similes in the poem Dreams

level 2
Write down two simile found in the poem

level 3
Write down two simile found in the poem


All homework must be signed by a parent ________________________

What is the C in R.A.C.E

Welcome to CBVI@GMHC

Homework for January 23

The book of the month is Brown Girl Dreaming
Name___________________ date _______________

Brown Girl Dreaming

Welcome to CBVI@GMHC

Homework for January 23

The book of the month is Brown Girl Dreaming
Name___________________ date _______________

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

What does the A in R.A.C.E stand for?

Welcome to CBVI@GMHC

Homework for January 22

The book of the month is Brown Girl Dreaming
Name___________________ date _______________

Read the excerpt and answer the question
“There is a daywork for colored women. In the mornings their bodies fill the crosstown buses, taking them away from Nicholtown to the other side of Greenville where the white people live?”

Answer the following question and cite evidence to support your claim
Why do the colored women go across town?
The colored women go across town to
a) visit relatives
b) to do a days work

level 2
Answer the following question and cite evidence to support your claim
Why do the colored women go across town?
The colored women _____________________ __________________________________
Where do the colored women go when they leave Nicholtown in the mornings?

____________________________ ___________________________________
level 3
Answer the following question and cite evidence to support your claim
Why do the colored women go across town?
_____________________ __________________________________
Where do the colored women go when they leave Nicholtown in the mornings?

____________________________ __________________________________
All homework must be signed by a parent___________

How do we approach the R. in R.A.C.E?

Welcome to CBVI@GMHC

Homework for January 21

The book of the month is Brown Girl Dreaming
Name___________________ date _______________

R-restate the question in the form of a topic sentence.
example: Why does the bird chirp?
Answer: The bird chirps

level 1

  1. Where does Brown Girl Dreaming take place? _________________________________________
  2. What is Jacqueline father’s name?__________________________________________
level 2
R-restate the question in the form of a topic sentence.
  1. Where does this story take place? _________________________________________
  2. What is Jacqueline father’s name?__________________________________________
  3. Why do you think Jacqueline Woodson chose the title Brown Girl Dreaming?

level 3
  1. Where does this story take place? _________________________________________
  2. What is Jacqueline father’s name?__________________________________________
  3. Why do you think Jacqueline Woodson chose the title Brown Girl Dreaming?

4. Why do you think Jacqueline Woodson chose to write the book in verse?


All homework must be signed by a parent______________

Monday, January 13, 2020

Plotting on a number line and a graph

Welcome to CBVI@GMHC

Homework for January 13


level 1
plot  the following on the number line :X= (-3)               
Image result for the number line       
plot  the following on the number line :X= (4) 
Image result for the number line  


Level 2

plot  the following on the number line :X= (-3)               
Image result for the number line       
plot  the following on the number line :X= (4) 

Image result for the number line  

Image result for one quadrant graph
plot the following (5,8) (5,2) (9,1) (5,5) (2,2)                    


Level 3

plot  the following on the number line :X= (-3)               
Image result for the number line       
plot  the following on the number line :X= (4) 
Image result for the number line  

Image result for one quadrant graph
plot the following (5,8) (5,2) (9,1) (5,5) (2,2)            

plot the following (2,7) (4,4) (3,6) (8,2) ( 10, 1)
Image result for one quadrant graph

All homework must be signed by a parent____________________

excerpt from The Ghost of Nelsonville

Welcome to CBVI@GMHC

Homework for January 10


The Ghosts of the Nelsonville House
Look up to see them through the high windows inside a kitchen filled with the light of a watery Nelsonville sun. Keep looking and it’s spring again, the lights gold now, and dancing across the pine floors. Once, there were so many children here running through this house up and down the stairs, hiding under beds and in trunks…
My great-great-grandfather on my father’s side was born free in Ohio, 1832. Built his home and farmed his land then dug for coal when the farming wasn’t enough. Fought hard in the war. His name in stone now on the Civil War Memorial: William J. Woodson United States Colored Troops, Union, Company B 5th Regt. A long time dead but living still among the other soldiers on that monument in Washington, D.C.  William Woodson the only brown boy in an all-white school. You’ll face this in your life someday, my mother will tell us over and over again. A moment when you walk into a room and no one there is like you


1. What clues tell you that Jack’s family was happy? (Underline the answer and underline evidence from the text to support
2. Where is great-great grandfather’s name? (Circle the answer and circle the evidence from the text to support)
3. What do we learn about William Woodson? (Underline the answer and circle the evidence from text to support answer)


level 2 answer 2 questions
level 3 answer all the questions

The Ghosts of the Nelsonville House
Look up to see them through the high windows inside a kitchen filled with the light of a watery Nelsonville sun. In the parlor a fireplace burns warmth into the long Ohio winter. Keep looking and it’s spring again, the lights gold now, and dancing across the pine floors. Once, there were so many children here running through this house up and down the stairs, hiding under beds and in trunks…
My great-great-grandfather on my father’s side was born free in Ohio, 1832. Built his home and farmed his land then dug for coal when the farming wasn’t enough. Fought hard in the war. His name in stone now on the Civil War Memorial: William J. Woodson United States Colored Troops, Union, Company B 5th Regt. A long time dead but living still among the other soldiers on that monument in Washington, D.C.  William Woodson the only brown boy in an all-white school. You’ll face this in your life someday, my mother will tell us over and over again. A moment when you walk into a room and no one there is like you


1. What clues tell you that Jack’s family was happy?

2. Where is great-great grandfather’s name?

3. What do we learn about William Woodson?


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