
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Culinary Arts Quiz Review

Welcome to Culinary Arts

Where we are professional everyday. All day

Homework for October 13, 2015

Students were given a quiz and asked to redo the quiz questions 

level 2 &3

1.     Used to measure milk, water, or oil. What am I?.

a)     Liquid measuring cup

b)    Scale

c)     Funnel

d)    Spatula

2.     Which of the following is listed from SMALLEST to LARGEST?
a.     ½ tsp
b.     ¼ tsp
c.     1 tsp
d.     1 tbl

3.     What are two chemical leaveners
a.     Baking soda and yeast
b.     Baking powder and baking soda

4.     Chemicals can be stored next to the stove

a.     True

b.     False

4 cups=32 oz

a.     True

b.     False

6.Which of the following is NOT required to be written in a recipe?

a.     Ingredients & amounts
b.     Information about time & temperature
c.     Step-by-step directions
d.     Nutritional information

7. The abbreviation for tablespoon is tbl

a.     True

b.     False

8.The person whoPrepares pastries & desserts as well as bread and other baked called the
a.     Pastry Chef
b.     Sommelier

9.The second in command in the kitchen and reports directly to the executive chef ?
Sous Chef

Which of the following does not belong? When washing your hands, you should:

Scrub your wrists

Use luke-warm water

Remove the dirt from under the nails

Use your towel to turn off the faucet

11.Which of the following pieces of equipment is considered a Chef's best friend?
a.     Wooden Spoon
b.     Chef's knife
12.Which of the following is NOT microwave safe?
a.     Glass plate with grilled chicken
b.     Paper plate with pizza
c.     Bowl of chili covered with aluminum foil
d.     Ceramic cup of cocoa
13.To mix using a circular motion, going round & round until batter blended is called?
a.     Whip
b.     Cream
c.     Blend
d.     Stir
14.Which of the following is NOT microwave safe?
a.     Glass plate with grilled chicken
b.     Paper plate with pizza
c.     Bowl of chili covered with aluminum foil
d.     Ceramic cup of cocoa
15.Dull knives are less likely to cause cuts than sharp ones.
a.     True
b.     False

16.The abbreviation for quart is qrt

a.     True

b.     False

17 . What is the correct way to measure liquids?

a.     Look at the dry measuring cup at eye level and check

b.     .Look at the measuring cup from above

18.Which of the following is NOT a basic baking ingredient

a.     Flour, sweetner, ginger, vanilla extract
b.     Sweetner, flour, fat,liquid

All homework must be signed by a parent



Culinary Arts Quiz (modified)

Circle the correct answers

1.     Circle the one used to measure milk, water, or oil.


2.     How many ozs in 4 cups?________________

8oz             8oz         8ozs       8ozs

3.     What is the abbreviation for tablespoon   TBL   or     TSP

4.     What is the abbreviation for quart     QT  or   QRT

5.     Label the spoons from SMALLEST to LARGEST?
a.     ½ tsp
b.     ¼ tsp
c.     1 tsp
d.     1 tbl
6.     Which of the following is used to make cakes rise
a.     Baking powder and yeast
b.     Baking powder and baking soda

 All homework must be signed by a parent

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