
Friday, January 29, 2016

Tools and equipment used in the Culinary Kitchen

Welcome to Culinary Arts
Where we are professional everyday. All day

Homework for January 26, 2016

This week have been reviewing the tools used in the culinary kitchen in anticipation for cooking. Based on what we discussed in class  and seen on the power point and using google answer the following questions.

Name _______________________________date_________________

level 1,2 &3

 Chef knife, spatula, stove,measuring cup, tongs, chopping board, whisk, mixing bowl, scoop, potato peeler, scale, measuring spoon, grater, pastry brush, can opener

1.         I am used to beat eggs. What am I ?________________________

2.         I am used to measure liquids. What am I?___________________

3.         I am the chef’s favorite knife.  What am I ? __________________

4.         I am used to hold hot food. What am I ? ______________________

5.         I am used to open cans. What am I ?________________________

6.         I am used to measure spices. What am I?____________________

7.         I am used to cook on. What am I ?__________

8.         I am used to brush on eggwash . What am I?__________________

9.         I am used to mix ingredients in. What am I?_________________


10.       I am used to grate food. What am I?_____________________

11.       I am used to scoop mashed potatoes. What am I?____________________


12.      I am used to take the skin of fruit and vegetables. What am I   ______________________


    13.  I am used to chop food on. What am I ?___________________


    14. I am used to scrape the sides of the bowl. What am I?________________

   15. I am used to weigh food on. What am I?____________________

All homework must be signed by a parent ____________________________________


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